International public arts festival (ipaf) 2023

Remember to Play, 2022
Medium: Enlarged screen print with artificial reality (AR) component
Size: 3m high

IPAF is a public art celebration, hosted by Baz-Art. Back for its 7th edition, international and local artists will use their voices and hands to create thought-provoking public artworks under the theme of “what if”. This free-to-public festival includes installations, sculptures, digital artworks, outdoor pop-up exhibitions, performances, street art tours and much more.

“Remember to Play, is a screen print that depicts the iconic Openwine in Wale Street, Cape Town, during its weekly Sunday Jazz session. Michael’s mural celebrates another mural- painted above Openwine in 2022: that of a young resident of Bo Kaap on his bike titled ‘The Gatekeeper of Bo Kaap’ by acclaimed graffiti artist Case Maclaim.”

The predominant theme of Michael’s latest series of urban scenes is human connection.

To see this artwork come alive, viewers would approach the installation and direct their phone towards it. The app, ‘Artivive’ would recognise the image and position a 20 second animation loop on top of the installation, following any hand movement.


